All WMD BCG components are manufactured by Defense Industrial Base suppliers to WMD’s exacting specifications to provide the best BCG available. Specifically engineered for NiB-X nickel boron coating to provide long life, high reliability and easy cleaning and maintenance. The BCG components are coated and polished to reduce fouling adherence. Coating is guaranteed for life against chipping, spalling or flaking. Over 30K rounds in Government protocol endurance testing did not wear the coating off. Especially beneficial in short barrel setups and suppressed platforms.
Bolt – Case hardened 9310, shot peened, magnetic particle inspected, with high-performance extractor, ejector springs, gas rings and special O-ring buffer.
Extractor – Manufactured, heat-treated, and hardened per government drawings. NiB-X coated.
Firing Pin – Manufactured, heat-treated, hardened, chromed and certified per Government drawings.
Carrier – AR15 style semi auto, 8620 material, heat treated and case hardened. Manufacturing tolerances and surface finishes tightly controlled. NiB-X coated for durability and ease of cleaning.
Gas Key – Hardened to USGI specifications and attached using grade 8 hardened fasteners. Permatex No. 3D Aviation Form a gasket Type III Sealing Compound per MIL-S-45180 used on assembly. NiB-X coated. Staked per military specifications.
Cam Pin – Manufactured, heat treated, hardened and certified per government drawings. NiB-X Coated.